Spring time

Corona Spring:  I wrote the below over the weekend and four days later it is out of date. The Finlay Brewer Team are now almost all working from home due to the coronavirus and next month I will give you an update on what is happening and how. Best wishes to you all and look after yourselves and others.

It’s Spring! Those daffs are all coming out and the sun is occasionally managing to break through the storm clouds. Whatever the weather though this is one of the key periods in the property calendar. It’s when we end our winter hibernations and begin looking for new homes. Well that is would have been the case in any other year but Spring 2020 will be remembered as the Corona Spring. Right now as we enter into a period of uncertainty London is already eerily quiet as many people have started working from home but there is still life out there and we do all have to get on with it. We have sales exchanging and completing, we have tenancies starting and ending, decorators are painting and plumbers are soldering on. In short the property world will not completely stop

Reporting to our clients we can confidently say that the applicants out there are SERIOUS - they are definitely prepared to buy or rent. Our only issue is access to property where someone is in “self isolation” due to corona.

We were seeing a real increase in demand at the beginning of the year and we have some excellent new buyers and renters out there looking for their new home. Stock levels were already low and this will not improve while the corona virus is active but there is available property and these will sell and rent.

If you’re planning on selling or renting and you have a few days at home you should “de-winter” your home starting with the outside which has been battered by a wild winter. There’ll almost certainly be some clearing up to be done after all the wind and rain we’ve been having! If you have one you should pay particular attention to the front garden as it’s the first thing people see. If it’s attractive and well maintained viewers will assume the rest of the property meets the same standards.

Gardens and terraces should be swept and dead plants removed to allow the new year’s shoots to grow. Sparkly clean windows make everything inside feel lighter and brighter so this is another relatively easy job to do yourself. If you need help simply contact the office and we will put you in touch with our excellent window cleaner! Give any cracking paintwork a touch up and don’t forget to give your door furniture a polish and replace any blown light bulbs. This should help pass 7 days of corona quarantine constructively.

I’ll leave it there for this month but will give you another update later in the year. Keep well, look after yourselves and please look after others around you who may be at risk.

Teresa Brewer FNAEA MARLA

Teresa Brewer FNAEA MARLA

Teresa Brewer FNAEA MARLA

Posted on Mar 01 2020 Teresa Brewer

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