Merry Christmas

For me it’s far too early to make such specific predictions but having certainty will bring positivity back to the property market and we look forward to seeing many more of you in the New Year to discuss your plans.

Looking back, 2019 has been a year of uncertainty, increased regulation and political comings and goings but throughout the year I am proud to say that our fabulous team have kept business moving along. It’s amazing in the face of it all, how resilient the property market has been. I can’t claim it’s been a vintage year but nor has it been a bad one. I am expecting far bigger things in 2020 though, as everyone finally gets on with those home moves they have been putting off for so long.

I won’t “go on” now as you must all be so busy in the run up to the festive season so cheers to a perfect pud, a moist turkey and a well-earned rest! Thank you for reading my various missives in our e-zine during the course of this year and I very much look forward to catching up again in 2020.

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas.

Teresa Brewer FNAEA MARLA

Teresa Brewer FNAEA MARLA

Teresa Brewer FNAEA MARLA

Posted on Dec 16 2019 Teresa Brewer

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